Posts by Green 2.0 Team
Revolutionizing the Environmental Movement by Centering Communities
Yesenia Rivera is the Executive Director of Energy Allies. As ED, Yesenia centers climate-impacted communities in clean energy projects, policy advocacy, and education. Yesenia has been a community organizer from the start, working alongside climate-impacted communities. Her first-hand experiences of energy insecurity mobilized her to advocate for eliminating barriers to solar for all. In this post, Yesenia shares how her grounding in community activism has informed the brand and programmatic transformation of the NGO she leads to create true allyship with local climate-impacted communities.
Read MoreGreen 2.0 Highlights Environmental Organizations Failing to Commit to Transparency on Diversity
Green 2.0 – the movement builder working to increase racial and ethnic diversity in the green movement – today announced some of the organizations failing to advance diversity and commit to participating in the annual NGO and Foundation Transparency Report Card. The environmental movement leader recently released its 2022 Report Card which found growing diversity in environmental organizations, but that the share of people of color in senior roles decreased slightly. The report had a record-breaking 68 environmental NGOs and 20 foundations participating, but more transparency and participation is required to build a winning climate movement.
Read MoreReflections on TWS in Color
In November of 2022, staff of color at The Wilderness Society (TWS) gathered for a retreat named TWS in Color. In this blog, TWS’s Vice President of Equity, Culture, and Learning Wordna Meskheniten reflects on the experiences and learnings of their convening and provides advice for other groups looking to better support their staff of color.
Read MoreThe “War” on Climate Change Does Not Inspire Confidence or Success
Coming from a tradition of resilience through humor expertly modeled by her family, Jasmine grew up surrounded by wordplay, a love for the environment, and parents that could have been authors. Early on, this piqued her interest in how we talk and, later, how we talk about climate change. In this blog, Jasmine explores the current rhetoric employed when discussing climate change, its history and implications, and alternative approaches we can adopt moving forward.
Read MoreWomen of Color Revolutionizing the Energy System with their Careers Social Media Toolkit
Join Green 2.0 and Energy Allies to learn from the expertise of women of color leading the clean energy transition. We need to center diverse perspectives in the just transition to clean energy to rebuild connections, create accountability, and prioritize accessibility to all our communities. Alongside our communities, we’re working to build a new path for renewables that creates a more equitable energy future.
Read MoreWhy it matters that the diversity report card for environmental organizations doesn’t track gender
A new report that details diversity in environmental organizations found a 3.5 percent increase in staff of color among 68 participating NGOs this year, with a total of 36.5 percent of staff identifying as being a person of color. It also found that representation decreases in more senior levels, with Black, Latinx and Asian-American employees severely underrepresented in executive positions.
Read MoreGreen movement more diverse but people of color still underrepresented
While diversity among staff at U.S.-based environmental NGOs continues to increase, demographic data remain incomplete, especially among foundations, a report from Green 2.0 finds.
Read MoreAnnual Report on Diversity in Environmental Sector Shows Incremental Progress
Black representation in the U.S. environmental sector has increased steadily in recent years but still falls short of truly reflecting the diversity of the American population, a new report released Tuesday by independent nonprofit Green 2.0 found. Among the 68 nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and 20 foundations that participated, every single entity had committed financial resources to diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in 2022.Â
Read MoreDiversity progress slows at environmental groups, survey finds
nvironmental groups have modestly increased the number of people of color among full-time staff over the past six years, but White people still account for the vast majority of employees, especially among senior management and top executive roles, according to an annual survey released Tuesday.
Read MorePeople of Color (Still) Underrepresented in Green Groups
Environmental groups are more racially diverse than they were five years ago, but they are still whiter than the national population, and far whiter than the communities harmed most by pollution and the impacts of climate change, the latest Green 2.0 report finds. Of full-time staff at environmental organizations, 36.5% identified people of color. Of senior staff, 34% identified as people of color, and 31% of groups were led by a person of color.
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