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Aarthi Ananthanarayanan

AFFILIATION: Ocean Conservancy

TITLE: Director, Climate and Plastics

LOCATION: Washington D.C.


EXPERTISE AREA: Climate Change, Environmental Justice, Pollution


Aarthi Ananthanarayanan is the Director of Ocean Conservancy’s Climate and Plastics Initiative. Aarthi designs and promotes solutions that address two existential, interconnected threats to the ocean and coastal communities: climate change and plastic pollution. Aarthi is an expert on the climate, community and ocean impacts of the petrochemicals industry and opportunities for decarbonization. She leads Ocean Conservancy’s advocacy influencing public and corporate policies that create incentives for plastic production, such as fossil fuel subsidy reform, financial disclosures and corporate climate commitments. Aarthi has deep experience in developing strategies, building teams and advocating for interdisciplinary solutions to complex environmental problems. Before launching the Climate and Plastics Initiative, Aarthi was Ocean Conservancy’s POSEIDON Project Director, leading an interdisciplinary team of international researchers to advance innovation in fisheries. She also supported the launch of two of Ocean Conservancy’s international plastics initiatives: Urban Ocean and our Vietnam Plastics Initiative. Prior to joining Ocean Conservancy, she was a Senior Associate with California Environmental Associates. In that role, she worked with top environmental and philanthropic organizations to develop new climate, energy, land and water protection, and biodiversity conservation initiatives, led consulting engagements to conduct foundational analysis and develop client business plans and co-founded a recruiting practice to attract environmental professionals in the United States, India, China and Europe. Aarthi began her career working for the Chemical Strategies Partnership, a trade organization working to reduce chemical use, waste, risks and cost by transforming the chemical supply chain.


Contact Aarthi Ananthanarayanan HERE.

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